Here I am, back from summer holiday, the weather in Dubai is fantastic, and I am not alone. Not that I would ever be alone, but I have a new foxy friend joining our family pack.

Before the summer started, I decided to be active in animal welfare. At my birthday, I collected little financial sum for the pets rescue organization. I also helped the lovely little kitten Nacho to get over his traumatic experience and helped to save at least one of his eyes. Now was the time for a big thing.

Some of you know that I had my big dog friend, the Great Dane Ortega, for over ten years, our friendship was indescribable, we were team, when I had to say goodbye to him, I promised myself not to get another dog again.
I was very broken and thinking or writing about it now, makes me cry, he was my family and Tudor. Thanks to him, I am who I am.
Sounds strange for some people but the ones having dogs will know what I am talking about. To have a good dog is a miracle and makes your life much happier.

So here I am, coming back from the summer holidays, with my big plans to contribute to the better wealth of animals in Dubai.
Yes, I am trying to take part as a rescuer, visiting events as cleaning the beaches, but I wanted more. I wanted to foster a dog for some time to make his life more cheerful while sitting in the kennel and waiting to be selected by some loving family. So I did it.
To make the story short, I fostered a dog. Her name is Juliet; she is seven years old lady, looking like a fox. To be precise, not exactly the type of dog I would ever go for, but...... There is a big but, once you get to know her, once you find out how loving and a smart patient dog is she, how gentle and sometimes very frightened she is, you can't resist her beauty.

Not maybe love on the first sight ( because I was used to have a much larger dog, like our darling Ortega), but after a very little time I knew, she is it. I fostered Juliet for four weeks, and the entire four weeks, I was nervous about how I am going to present Marcus the idea that we will keep her.
Lucky me! Marcus had nothing against the adoption and our Estelle?! What a question, she was very brave keeping our little adopting secret for such a long time.
Now we are here, Juliet is adopted, I am a very proud owner of such a lovely dog friend. I am proud of myself and Juliet, she might have some difficult time in the past, but now we are here, one for another, going towards to begin this amazing dog human friendship.

My old friend Ortega is looking at me from the dogs heaven and he is proud that I finally put myself together and made this step.
I know it is not just friendship, but also a big commitment and responsibility, but are we all not here to take some responsibilities? I am not buying a property or car, I am helping and supporting animal to live a life which all animals deserve to live. This is the most beautiful and fulfilling commitment, and responsibility human can have.
So, guys, not everyone can adopt an animal, but please take a second to think what can You do, how can You contribute to make someone's life little happier.

Little tip which probably most of the dogs owner in Dubai already know:
In Jebel Ali next to the JA beach resort is a lovely dogs beach, we are very often here, especially mornings, dogs runs, swim and enjoy fun time with humans!